Thursday, October 7, 2010

First Blog!

I have been reading blogs from everyone and their mother (brother, sister, etc) for months, and decided this morning between dropping my daughter off at school and running my morning errands with my toddler in tow that maybe I should give it a try.  

In my former life I was a special education teacher.  I definitely loved teaching, but when my second child came a long, I realized that I would either have to work full time and pay for two children in daycare (which would cost me almost as much as my mortgage) or stay at home with my girls and try to live on just my husband's income.  This required a lot of creativity in terms of a "budget" (a word that had rarely entered my vocabulary when we were a two income family).  

Over the course of the past two years I have developed several strategies that dramatically stretch our budget and allow us to live almost as well as we did when we had two incomes coming in.  It's much easier now too to find resources on saving money now that "being frugal is now a cool thing". 

Starting tomorrow, I will share daily tips, websites, etc that I have found, and ask anyone reading to share some tips of their own.

Well, have to log off and make dinner for my family, but will write more tomorrow.  Thanks for reading!!